Monday, October 12, 2009

KJEANRL Blog welcomes two new editors and a new posting schedule

In it's inaugural run the KJEANRL blog has hit the ground running! Every school day since the beginning of the fall semester we've either had an abstract or blog post on the blog, Monday through Friday . Needless to say this has taken a great amount of commitment from the KJEANRL staff and especially Production Editor Mark Rouse who has had to review every abstract and post. In an effort to lessen the burden of the Production Editor and increase the quality and time in which articles are posted the KJEANRL Editorial Board has decided to add two Assistant Editor positions from the second year class solely to work on the blog.

Zach Becker will be the Assistant Online Editor of Abstracts and Kim Coghill will be the Assistant Online Editor of Blog Postings. With the addition of two staff members committing their time to the blog we expect the blog to operate on a new schedule.

As soon as next week we hope to have a blog post three times a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition we hope to post an abstract of former Articles, Notes and Comments from our past print issues Monday through Friday. If you have any suggestions on our production schedule please let us know!

Mark Rouse
KJEANRL Production Editor

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