By: Samuel Jones, Staff Member
Just as the smoke cleared from the illuminating
display of fireworks, another firestorm erupted in Frankfort, KY, this time
involving a much different type of smoke.
Senator Perry Clark (D-Louisville) unveiled legislation to legalize the
use of medicinal marijuana, and permit possession of small amounts of it
without risk of criminal infraction.
Senator Clark wanted to get an early start promoting the legislation to
make marijuana available by prescription to cancer patients and others who would
benefit from the "miracle plant."[1]
The proposal explicitly states that it relates
only to medicinal usage of marijuana, and allows for the creation of various
statutes under KRS 218A, the Controlled Substance section of the KY Revised
Statutes, to reduce the illegality of marijuana possession to a Schedule II
drug, the same level as opiates, salts, and coca leaves.[2] Though Clark himself and many others see the passage of this
bill as a long shot, Kentucky would become the 19th state (including
D.C.) to legalize the use of marijuana, and thereby open the floodgates to a
whole new industry that is turning significant profits.[iii]
While there are political, moral,
and personal elements to this issue, the economic and agricultural aspects
should not go unnoticed. Given
Kentucky’s temperate climate, high precipitation, and large amounts of arable
land, this state is prime real estate for marijuana growth. This makes it relatively easy for
individuals to grow private stashes and doubly hard for law enforcement to
control and eliminate its illegal production. In fact, in the 2010 KY Crime
Report, over 34% of drug related arrests involved marijuana use or possession,
and law enforcement has seen substantial increases in those amounts already.[iv]
The high amount of costs required to arrest
offenders, charge and litigate cases, house convicted criminals, and provide
rehabilitation costs no doubt takes a heavy toll on the state budget. In 2011, Kentucky’s General Assembly
voted to reduce the charge of marijuana possession from a class A misdemeanor
to a class B misdemeanor, reducing the jail sentence from a maximum of 90 days
down to 45 days.[v] This was
likely done to provide some relief to the heavy costs required to equip state
officials in the war of illegal drug use and trafficking. It is obvious that battling illegal
marijuana use is becoming expensive, so legislators are beginning to find new
ways to reduce the costs of enforcing drug policy and possibly tap into the
trending market.
Aside from easing the burden levied on tax
payers for law enforcement, harnessing the possible industry of marijuana
growth could also provide financial relief to a struggling economy. Other states that have legalized
medicinal marijuana use have seen economic gains from marketing this drug that
has demonstrated positive physical effects. It is estimated that Californians alone spend roughly
$1.4 billion on medicinal marijuana, a large portion of that reverting back to
the state government in forms of permits, licenses, and sales taxes.[vi]
In Colorado, the state collected
$5 million in sales tax from medical marijuana distributors last year, more
than doubling the revenue from the 2010.[vii] With state funded institutions
facing funding cuts and the rising number of arrests associated with marijuana
possession, the state legislature needs to thoroughly examine all avenues of
possible fundraising, one of those methods being the rising marijuana
The decriminalization of medicinal marijuana
will likely be a hot topic during the next session of the Kentucky General Assembly. The political debate is sure to cause
divisions among the state residents, but the agricultural statistics are
promising, as evidenced by other states that have legalized this type of use
and seen financial gains. A
thorough analysis of the potential agricultural and economic boom that could
come to Kentucky after the legalization of marijuana should certainly be
included in the legislative discussion.
[1] Roger Alford, Sen. Clark Moves to Legalize Medical Marijuana,
Lexington Herald-Leader, July 5,
2012, marijuana.html#storylink=misearch.
[2] 2012 Bill Tracking KY S.B. 129; See KY. REV. STATE. ANN. §218A.070
(LexisNexis 2012).
[3] 17
Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC: Laws, Fees, and Possession Limits, (July 7, 2012, 10:30PM)
[4] 2010
Commw. of Ky. Crime Rep. 102-104,
[5] Assembly
Ends Marijuana Arrests, THE STATE JOURNAL (Mar. 6, 2011), http://www.state-
[6] Rober A. Mikos, A Critical Appraisal of the Department of Justice's New Approach to
Medical Marijuana 22 Stan.
L. & Pol'y Rev 633, 655
[7] Michael Cooper, Struggling Cities Turn to a Crop for Cash, N.Y. Times (Feb. 11, 2012)
The answer to "what would happen then?" can be hinted at by looking at the reaction of the Feds to states' medical marijuana laws. They will come in and attempt to hunt down any care taker or a dispensary. I'm not opposed to decriminalizing pot, but I think that the proposals so far has done nothing in reality.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. There is a great chance for that to happen. Depending on the Federal Administration, states may be left to fair as they please, or be invaded by Federal regulators seeking to reduce drug use under the guise of substantial commercial interest or general welfare concerns. Either way, the fact that many other states have harnessed and regulated the industry provides clear evidence that there are benefits to such an enactment.
ReplyDeleteI was intrigued by the level of tolerance of the marijuana industry shown by many states. While KY and many other states are rebutting the harnessing of such a practice, other states seem to be cashing in. This proposal creates the conversation once again, but since there are many more benchmarks and examples by which to compare and evaluate, the evidence and weights are sure to be different. It appears to be a much more profitable move now.
Given that the political and economic climates are a little different now, do you think the General Assembly will be more sympathetic to this proposal?